Research points out high prevalence of asthmatic people. This condition is a chronic life-threatening and no one should take chance on it. It is a long-term inflammatory disease of the airways of the lungs. To get rid of the condition, you must first understand the symptoms and types.
Symptoms of Asthma
Major characteristic of asthma is Inflammation of the bronchial tubes. Asthmatic people mostly experience symptoms when the airways tighten, inflame or fill with mucus. Coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness are among the common symptoms that are seeing in a person with Asthma. However, these symptoms may be seen differently in different people.
Types of Asthma
There are various types of asthma each triggered by various culprits and there is no single treatment for all.
Allergic asthma-It occurs when an allergy sets up an asthma flare-up. The endless list of allergies can include; pollen, mold, roaches and pet dander.
Asthma without allergies. This particular type is set off by upper respiratory infection e.g. cold or flu.
Aspirin Exacerbated Respiratory Disease-This is triggered by aspirin.
Exercise-induced asthma-Caused by body exercises that result in coughing.
Cough variant-Characterized by a dry hacking cough which occur in both children and adults while awake or asleep.
Occupational asthma-This can occur when something on the job sets an asthma attack.
There are ways to get rid of asthma or at least control it. These ways are both medical and traditional.
How to get rid of Asthma
First, to get rid of asthma, avoid some of the things you love that may cause the condition. For instance bets such as cats and dogs that drop hair. Such animals will prevent you from breathing fresh air and thus prevent you from getting rid of chest pains.
Smoking is another cause. Avoid it if you feel it has effect on your health or if advised by doctor. It would be wise if you suffer due to lack of something than suffering health condition.
Keeping your house dry and dustless is another important tip. If financial conditions allow, install an air conditioner because it will keep the house dry and avoid humidity related problems.
Do some regular exercises. Too many exercises may trigger asthma and so do some gentle exercises that cannot make you a cough or have any asthmatic condition in you. Do breath exercises that correct erroneous and developed breathing methods.
Take your medications as prescribed. You need not skip the meds. This is basically a no-brainer but does not overdose.
Healthy diet-Just like exercises, a good diet is a good recipe for dealing with asthma. Taking fruits, vegetables and generally balancing your diet is of help in ensuring the body has the content which is necessary for immunity.
Make regular consultations with a qualified physician.
In essence, it is in order to have proper asthma management plan in place that can give protection to your body. Taking individual action and proactively participating in treatment process may appear small, but keep at it; it will be worth every effort that you put in.
maxbriefs.com provide general information. Seek advise from physician or doctor.