
KCPE RESULTS for 2022 and important notices.

Release of 2022 KCPE results

kcpe results

KCPE results for 2022 finally released. A hearty congratulations to all 2022 KCPE candidates. Journeying through primary school has not been easy at all.  The release of KCPE results for 2022 by education cabinet secretary Hon. Ezekiel Machogu on 21st December 2022 was the climax of the entire process of primary learning.

Overview of 2022 KCPE performance

The release of KCPE results at mtihani house in Nairobi came at a time of eagerness by candidates, parents, and guardians about the anticipated performance. The cabinet secretary mentioned that a total of 1, 233, 852 candidates sat for the 2022 KCPE exams.

The highest mark is 431 by Otieno Lewis Omondi from St Peter’s Mumias Boys primary school and Fwaro Makokha Robinson. The latter sat for his exams in Christ the King Primary School in Bungoma. In addition, he announced banded results as follows:

  1. 9,443 candidates scored between 400 and 500 marks
  2. 307, 756 candidates scored between 300 and 399 marks
  3. 296,336 candidates scored between 200 and 299 marks
  4. 619,593 candidates scored between 100 and 199 marks
  5. 724 candidates scored between 1 and 99 marks

During the release, the Cabinet secretary mentioned that girls performed better than boys in languages. In sciences, boys outperformed girls. These gaps have been in place for the long history of the Kenyan education system.

On malpractices, the CS said that there were minimal cases, unlike in earlier years. Thanks to multi-agency efforts across the country during the administration of exams. He also added that even those who were found to have cheated would receive results with zero marks on the affected subjects. However, they would all transition to secondary schools. Reported cases are 252 as per the disclosed information from the ministry.

Changes In the management of KCPE exams

The ministry of education introduced many changes over some years ago. One of the changes is the timing of exams. Candidates sit for the the papers when the rest of the school proceed for holiday. This was not the case some years back. During those years, minister for education released KCPE results a few days before the end of the year. This took more than a month before the candidates knew the schools to join for secondary levels.

With the one hundred percent transition policy, all examined pupils should join their respective secondary schools. To achieve this, the ministry of education work with the ministry of interior and co-ordination of national government. This is through chiefs who ensure no pupil in the villages remain in the name of lack of school fees.

The Ministry of education has further waived school fees for day schools making them affordable. Although it is mentioned that it should be free, there is a very little amount to pay that gathers for what the government does not meet.

While releasing KCPE results, CS Machogu did not rank any performance, unlike previous announcements. He said that the practice has been shelved. The ranking was abolished after it was seen as a contributing factor to exam cheating and depression among learners.

What next after the release of KCPE results

After the release of KCPE results for 2022, pupils wait for placements in various secondary schools. The choice selected by the candidate is the basis for placement. However, some other considerations like the capacity of the school chosen and the attained marks are important. While announcing, Cabinet Secretary announced that pupils would be on the know by 16th January 2023.

Marks scored by pupils in KCPE do not necessarily determine how the student will perform at the secondary level. It is rare to have a student topping in KCPE and KCSE. This means it all depends on the effort one deploys while in secondary learning.

To check results, you can do it online or send a text message containing the index number followed by the word kcpe to 20076.

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