
How to get views on YouTube Channel

How to get more views on YouTube Channel


YouTube Views

After creating a YouTube channel, you realize that you need views, subscribers, and more watch time. Once you achieve this, it enables you to get some income from YouTube and grow. But then how do you achieve this? Well, this article walks you through how to get more views on your YouTube channel.

One reason for the difficulty in getting more views is the huge number of videos on the platform. To overcome that challenge, and as you gear up to monetize your channel, you must put in a lot of effort and time. With that said, below are the tips that can help you get more views on your channel.

  1. Write the best title, but don’t spam

A good title creates curiosity in people, and they will want to view your channel. Remember, every content creator on YouTube does their best to ensure their channel. So, a good title should be between 55 and 70 characters.

  1. Optimize YouTube SEO

YouTube works just like other search engines such as Google, Bing, etc. To make your content easily visible to the audience, you must apply SEO strategies. They include script optimization, keyword research, and link building among others. In essence, YouTube optimization involves YouTube optimization and external SEO. Also, don’t forget to add keywords in the video title and file names, description, script, video chapters, and tags. They help the video easily feature on the results page.

  1. Use the right Thumbnail

Before we get deep into this, you must understand what it means. It’s the cover of the video. You can consider it as a cover page. Of course, when the cover page is awesome, it attracts an audience, and it may lead to more views on YouTube.

  1. Engage with audience

YouTube is like any other social media platform. When you engage with the audience frequently, you get connected and they feel good. This helps in that the YouTube algorithm favors videos that have engagements like shares, comments, and likes. As a result, it enhances increased YouTube views.

  1. Do a giveaway or contest

People love free things. When you offer free things that encourage the audience to share, comment, subscribe, or like your video, it increases the number of views naturally. As you plan to give out free stuff, it should be relevant to your video vibe.

  1. Use other social media channels to share your YouTube Videos

You should leverage the existence of many social media platforms such as Facebook to share your videos. When audiences find what they like on social media, they most likely visit your channel. The net result is to increase your views.

  1. Include video transcription

When you transcribe your video, those followers who are not able to watch with voice may view a video easily. That helps increase YouTube views for your video.

  1. Create playlists if you have many videos

As you create more videos, it becomes challenging to navigate the channel. To make this easier, create playlists to encourage your visitors to watch your videos. When you create playlists, it enables to your audience check on the video they may be interested in.

  1. Calls to action

In your videos, invite your audience to share, like, and subscribe to your videos. So put these reminders somewhere in your video so that even those who won’t remember will easily act.

  1. Do a live stream

With increased social media live events, YouTube is not left behind. You get to engage with your audience which helps create a strong bond with your audience. Consequently, you get more views on your channel.

  1. Collaborate with other YouTube content creators

Collaboration with other content creators is a new tactic in YouTube streets to popularize your channel leading to increased views. You should collaborate with creators who share similar passions. The thing here is that the audience of your partner most likely will subscribe to your channel. As a result, it increases your views.

These tactics aren’t exhaustive, there are many others that I will explain to you in upcoming posts. Keep updated so that you don’t miss out.


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