
Easy ways to save fuel you should know

Easy ways to save fuel


ways to save fuel

This article is all about ways to save fuel. Do you feel like you spend a lot on fuel? Perhaps you’ve thought of an option like to scale down to fuel-efficient car. Its sounds a right decision, but you may end up scaling down further to footsubishi. Provided you have chosen your car when buying, you can always find ways to save fuel.

Here are the things you can do:

Keep tires pumped-up.

Tires with low pressure have higher resistance. This translates to higher friction and rolling resistance which leads to higher fuel consumption.

Lose the weight of your boot.

Are you the type of people who load boot of the car? You better reduce the load you carry because the more the load, the more fuel used.

Don’t drive too fast or too slowly.

You should drive with moderate speed. With high speed, engine struggles to overcome wind resistance and in lower than 50km/h, drops to lower gear. On both scenarios, the car uses more fuel.

Accelerate steadily.

Avoid racing to a high revolutions per minute (RPM). With lower RPM, your car uses less fuel.

Avoid braking aggressively.

Basics, why would you need to keep on braking? It happens mostly when you follow the vehicle ahead of you so closely. In addition to being one of the ways to save fuel, it’s also dangerous.

Cruise in top gear

For manual cars, maintain higher gear when appropriate. While for automatic, make use of cruise control to keep your speed constant. In either case, engines go through less RPM which reduces fuel consumption.

Don’t stay idle for long.

If waiting or something more than 4 mins you better switch off the engine. Although, you are not moving, engine is burning fuel unnecessarily.

Keep your engine healthy.

Engine is like a human heart, when it is in healthy condition, it saves fuel.

Bottomline, keep your car in good condition to help maintain your engine’s fuel efficiency. If not well maintained, it makes it hard to work smoothly. Also consider other ways to save fuel by thinking of your moves as you use your car. If certain activity is not worth your car usage, then do it without. Some of these steps may look small but they have huge impact on your pocket.

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