Health & Fitness

Food that increases immunity

Food that increases immunity

Food that increases immunity

You remember how people selected food during Covid-19 pandemic period? Well, everywhere in internet and social media was a buzz with “food that increases immunity”. What went wrong along the way? We seem to have relaxed.

Immunity is as important as life. We need to protect our immunity as much as we should. A good health is a way to wealth. Now, before we even look at the food that increases immunity, it is important to know what causes weak immune systems.

  • Excess weight
  • Chronic stress
  • Smoking
  • Air pollution
  • Poor nutrition
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Lack of sleep
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Immunodeficiency disorders

A look into above causes of weak immunity shows that we can largely control our immunity. However, there are cases we may not do much, but before then we better practice prevention by taking food that increases immunity. Some of them are:

Vitamins that increase immunity.

Vitamin C

Fruits and greens are popular for Vitamin C nutrients. Take oranges for example, which has 100% of the daily recommended Vitamin C. Other fruits such as kiwi, quava, pawpaw, cherries, strawberries, currants, vegetables, broccoli, spinach, sweet peppers, and kales have abundant doses of vitamin c.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A foods are known to fight respiratory diseases. Apart from the respiratory roles of Vitamin A, it helps the body in vision, reproductive system, and growth and development. Some of the food you can take to get this nutrient is eggs, fatty fish, liver, and dairy products like milk and yoghurt.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D protects us from cold and flu, which are very common during cold seasons. Taking food that is rich in Vitamin D, help increase immunity. Although exposure to sunlight is known to be key in getting vitamin D, some foods also provide the nutrient. These include egg yolks, mushrooms, oily fish like salmon, and red meat.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is key in producing white blood cells which help in fighting for the body against infections and diseases. Deficiency in Vitamin B6 causes reduction in antibodies that fight off infections. Food that’s rich in vitamin b6 are oats, bananas, leafy greens, soy, peanuts, and chickpeas.

You can take supplements as well to improve immunity but getting from natural food serves better.

Long story short, you need to frequently take food that increases immunity to protect yourself from diseases that can weaken or possible harm you.



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