
What are the Qualities of a good boyfriend?

Qualities of a good boyfriend

qualities of a good boyfriend

Getting into relationships is a key decision in one’s lifetime. As such it needs a lot of deliberate actions that lead to minimal regrets and the longest stay possible. Our societies are full of people who speak out their regrets about the wrong partner. In this blog, we look at the qualities of a good boyfriend so that you don’t end up being a victim of such.

Smart men make better relationship

The subject of smartness in relationships is vital. According to a study from the Hanken School of Economics, smart men are a better bet for relationships. Researchers in the study pointed out that higher intelligence means having the capacity to avoid a breakup by expressing and discussing feelings. Among the smart things is the expression ability. The element of verbal expression is key in the sense that one can self-express in wanting situations.

He has confidence

A man who believes in himself can know his strengths and weaknesses. With that, he knows what to bring to the table. A confident man won’t engage in much negativity, express love, and improve communication that spices relationship.

He makes you laugh

The value of shared laughter particularly in romance is undeniable. It may look like a small thing but it’s the spark to partners. I’m sure you have heard some people mention someone makes her laugh. Laughing has a lot of importance in relationships e.g it can make you get through hard times easily and improves health among other benefits. So consider such a dose for your partner.

Honesty and transparent

Marriage is a life-long journey that would rely on human character. When it comes to transparency and honesty, there should be no allowance for non-conformity. How will you stay with some for many other decades when he is lying? The thing is you should have someone willing to share information, experience, and plans as they are without cheating or lying.  When such a person acknowledges his weaknesses and recognizes strengths, then there should be no big deal in being honest.

Exhibits Readiness to commit

A relationship is about commitments from time, resources, and energy for the sake of the partner. A good boyfriend should therefore be ready to commit to a relationship and whatever it takes. A test to identify such an aspect is worth it provided you have done it humanely. If a boyfriend is not willing to commit to you at the early stage of friendship, then you have a reason to cast some doubt. Avoid hit-and-run characters.

Exhibits emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is more important when it comes to relationships than the intelligence quotient. At times, relationships have hiccups that may end up in quarrels. Women tend to have some speedy talks, mostly, and when the boyfriend is annoyed, then emotional intelligence comes into play. A good boyfriend should be calm when emotional tensions are high so that he can make sober decisions. Have this has one of the important qualities of a boyfriend.

Listens to you and respects your opinion

I normally tell people, when you have a partner who doesn’t listen to your opinion, then is a sign of a toxic relationship. Although there are variations to that belief, the general issue is that couples should listen to one another in anything. Even if all facts lead to the disqualification of an opinion, a good boyfriend should lend a listening ear to his girlfriend.

He celebrates your achievements

One of the good qualities of a boyfriend is celebrating his girlfriend’s achievements. How would you feel when you have been honored in your workplace for being the best employee of the year and your partner doesn’t seem to congratulate you? Boring, disappointing, and probably heartbreaking.

A good boyfriend should join you in celebrations with a certain expression. Maybe a cake, a dress or something that can be memorable. However, rewards depend on capability.

Determination to grow

Nobody wants to stagnate for any single moment in his/ her life. Growth is a sign of hard work and there should be a supportive boyfriend in every ambition geared towards such a goal. A boyfriend who is determined to grow no matter what the prevailing conditions show a sign of a better future and that is exactly what all humans want.


There comes a time in our lives when we want to hold on to our beliefs and what we know. Accepting new perspectives, changes, and other people’s ideas is not that easy. As such when you have someone open for discussions, thought sharing, and new approaches to things, you have gold within you. That’s a rare ingredient in today’s generation.

Good self-control

Self-control is such an outstanding feature of a good boyfriend. If he can control his impulses and temptations, then that’s a good boyfriend. Chances of such a person cheating are minimal even at the height of challenging circumstances.

With the above-listed qualities of a good boyfriend, you won’t go wrong. A soul mate with finding his way into your heart. As you search for him be on the lookout for what is not mentioned here. Here, we will always strive to educate on crucial matters in the society.

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