
Ways to make money on YouTube

8 Ways to Make Money on YouTube

how to make money on YouTubeYou may have read in many blogs that YouTube is one of the platforms where you can make money. But you are here wondering, how? Many people know of ad revenue on YouTube. Yes, but that is not the only source of revenue on the platform. There are many other ways in which you can make money on YouTube that you can consider as a content creator.

While reading this, please note that there is no one-fit-all strategy to make good money on YouTube. It’s because of the variation in content, audience, and promotional strategies. So, you must mix strategies and work on streamlining your content to suit your viewers.

  1. Join YouTube Partner programs

If you’ve watched a video on YouTube, probably an advert might have interrupted your watch. That is the source of revenue for content creators. Here YouTube enables content creators to earn money through ad displays in their videos. However, not all content creators earn straight by just getting some content to the platform. You must fulfill some conditions which include:

  • Follow all YouTube monetization policies
  • Live in a country where monetization is available
  • 500 subscribers with 3 public uploads in the last 90 days
  • Either 3K valid public watch hours in the last 12 months OR 3M public Shorts views in the last 90 days.
  • 1,000 subscribers
  • Either 4K valid public watch hours in the last 12 months OR 10M valid public Shorts views in the last 90 days.

YouTube keeps on updating its policies from time to time, hence it’s important to always be up to date with them.

The amount you earn depends on various factors. These include:

  • Your viewers’ demographics such as location and age
  • Whether there are relevant advertisers for your videos
  • Your content and industry
  1. License your content to external media companies

If you create viral content that is newsworthy, other media companies and platforms may want to have a piece of it. So, for them to share your content, they must pay for it. Sharing your content to other platforms reaches more audiences. Hence is a dual advantage.

  1. Earn support from subscribers with a channel membership

Did you know that there is a membership On YouTube? Well, it’s designed specifically to support creators looking for money. Here subscribers pay a monthly fee in exchange for perks such as:

  • Earn loyalty rewards
  • Be recognized
  • Access to exclusive parks like loyalty badges, and live streams among others.
  • Join the inner circle
  1. Put promotional links in your video descriptions

This method is like low-hanging fruits to make money on YouTube. Essentially, video description tell viewers what to expect in the video. It’s like leasing out your YouTube space where you get 5000 characters to work with. Promotional links can be your own or other products or from someone else. Proactively engage the media houses of wait for them to contact you in the deal to share your content.

  1. Feature sponsors in your videos

Through sponsored content, you promote a brand within your content. It usually appears either at the start or the end of the video. Viewers must go through it, unlike ads, because it’s part of the content. While making a sponsorship, you should check on relevance because some audiences are critical.

  1. Sell merchandise and custom products

Selling merchandise on your channel is a cool way to make money on YouTube. It enables you to create closer relationships with your followers as well as enhance your visibility. However, you should have a loyal fan base willing to spend money on the items that you merchandise.

  1. Leverage affiliate marketing

The idea of affiliate marketing is about discussing others’ goods or services and convincing the audience to check out. Every time a transaction happens through your link, you get a certain percentage of sales. It’s a win-win plan because as you do marketing, you earn some money as the owner makes sales as well.

Many organizations have affiliate programs that you can earn handsomely if you put in the effort. Consider Amazon, SEMrush, and eBay among others.

  1. Take advantage of crowdfunding

Crowdfunding involves seeking some help from your fans as get into a project. Ensure you deliver on your promises to keep your followers, otherwise, they may run away from you. This method on how to make money from YouTube is quite tricky. Supporters must be loyal enough and willing to support you.

In a nutshell, you can make a living when you consider these ways to earn money on YouTube. As you create your content and gear to earn, note that YouTube has a lot of visits per month. So, it’s up to you to select the niche that you want to get into and work on your content.

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